
I help achievers stop chasing their dreams and start living them instead.

You have everything you thought you wanted. 

You put in so much time and effort and HUSTLED to be successful and that dream has come true—but you’re not happy! You thought your success would bring fulfillment, but somewhere along the line you lost track of yourself. Your life is barreling ahead at full speed and you’re wondering where that leaves you. 

How can you live the kind of life you’ve always dreamed of NOW?

I can help you discover what lights you up, and create an ecosystem that supports you in living that way. Where you can’t wait to get up in the morning to see what the day will bring. Where your relationships are fulfilling, you have time to do the things that matter to you, and it’s obvious that living a life that you love also feeds your work and makes you more productive, creative, and innovative.

Ready to take the next step?

I am currently offering complimentary sessions for new clients!


Hi, I'm Eva.

I’m an executive and leadership coach and a driven person by much so that I drove my system into the ground from working too hard and was diagnosed with adrenal exhaustion. I spent a year and a half flat on my back, inching my way toward baseline. Once recovered, I had to find sustainable ways to work and play that still lit me up.

In hindsight, this breakdown was one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received. Because my previous MO was no longer available to me, I had to find a new approach. In the process of restoring my health, I discovered a passion for healing. This led me to the next steps on my path: life coach training and an M.A. in Counseling Psychology with a concentration in Somatics.

Now I specialize in helping my clients reconnect to their passion and lead the life they’ve been dreaming of--without burnout.

I can feel Eva's fingerprint in every corner of my life. I still hear her voice in my head guiding me almost daily. Her healing ways continue to be such a gift to me. She is uniquely perceptive, deeply intuitive, and remarkably wise. I felt totally comfortable baring my soul to her.

Natalie B. -

Though the highlights of working with her include landing an amazing job, buying a house, finding a wonderful partner, and getting out of credit card debt, the biggest changes have been internal. I feel like I finally love me, for me.

Emma F. - VP of Marketing at a Startup

Ready to take the next step?