
Leadership & Executive Coaching

You’ve worked so hard to get where you are.

You put in so much time and effort and HUSTLED to be successful and that dream has come true—but you’re not happy. You thought your success would bring fulfillment, but instead you find yourself going through the motions, feeling drained. Your life is barreling ahead at full speed and you’re wondering where that leaves you...


How can you live the kind of life you’ve always dreamed of NOW?

What would it be like...

To feel that your life is a magical adventure and you can’t wait to see what each day will bring?

To be fully alive and have lots of energy, so you can be creative, present and productive because your tank is full?

To have juicy and satisfying relationships, and time to pursue your passions?


Hi! I’m Eva, and my passion is helping achievers stop chasing their dreams and start living them instead.

"I don’t know what I want to do with my life" is a phrase that I hear a lot. I find that when I ask the right questions, however, people do know--they just haven’t let themselves go there. It’s vulnerable to tune into what you want, because there’s a chance you may not get it. BUT. If you don’t ask yourself what you want, you can’t go for it, which means you definitely won’t get it, and you’ll be stuck living out someone else’s agenda for your life.

I help people discover what lights them up, and create an ecosystem that supports them in living that way. I can help you flesh out the dream for your ideal life--unimpeded by what you think you should do because it’s prestigious or practical. Once the vision is clear, we get to work bringing it to life. I love watching clients move from being frustrated and confused to feeling inspired about what they’re creating. 

I am a midwife of dreams and a champion of wildness. I will call you out on the ways you’re keeping yourself small and advocate fiercely for your happiness. Clients tell me that they feel both challenged and nurtured in our conversations. I bring a mix of playfulness, deep listening and strategic thinking to my work.

It would be my pleasure to help you discover your wildest dream for your life, and support you in living it into reality.

Are you ready to get started?

I am currently offering complimentary introductory sessions for new clients!

I've been working with Eva for a little over a year and I can say with complete sincerity that it has changed my life. Though the highlights of working with her include landing an amazing job, buying a house, finding a wonderful partner, and getting out of credit card debt, the biggest changes have been internal. Eva has helped me develop strategies to effectively cope with stress, trauma, and uncertainty. In our work, I've been able to develop a relationship with myself. I feel like I finally love me, for me. I see my worth and value as intrinsic rather than tied to my accomplishments. I feel secure in who I am and have excitement about where I'm headed. I feel so much more in control of how I respond to challenging or emotionally triggering situations, which in turn influences the outcome of those situations. I'm in awe of the growth I've seen in myself since working with Eva, and I'm eternally grateful to her for helping me bloom.

Emma F., VP of Marketing at a Startup

I Meet You Where You Are

Everyone is different and your coaching experience will be tailored specifically to your needs. Together, we design an individualized experience to support you in achieving your goals AND enjoying yourself in the process! Our starting point is identifying your highest leverage point for change.

Your life, reimagined.

What area of your life, if it fell into place, would have the greatest impact on all the other areas? 

Together we'll figure out what’s been keeping you stuck and identify resources that will enable you to move forward. I will invite you to dream big and flesh out the ideal vision for that area of your life. We’ll create a road map for you to get there, and identify the next steps for you to take. In the process, we’ll look at who you need to be to achieve your goals, interrupt habitual patterns that are holding you back, and create new behaviors that support you in living the kind of life that you want, from moment to moment.


Through my work with Eva I have grown far beyond what I imagined possible when we first started. She listens carefully, remembers well, and has insights that are intuitive and correct. Her compassionate and wise counsel has supported major life changes for me, changes which have been sustained and appear to be long-lasting!

Brenda, Health Care Professional

I think of you frequently, quoting conversations we had and reflecting even now. I left my wonderful-but-stifling square job and have become a teaching artist with a little apartment and a fabulous, creative partner. I think about how grey and desperate I felt at the time we spoke and I am bone-deep grateful for your ear and kind guidance and validation.

M.M., Artist

Ready to take the next step?