

How to do Hard Things

Several years ago, a dear friend of mine in her 40s passed away. After her death, I took a walk with a mutual friend, and we realized that we had both been inspired to update our wills and advance...

I Climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro Out of FOMO

I was an overachiever who burned the candle at both ends in my teens and early 20s. After graduating from college, my system was deep in adrenal fatigue and needed rest. But–I had received a grant for...

Your Intuition is Never Wrong

In the midst of an election season, I had a strong intuitive feeling that the candidate I supported would win. When that didn’t happen, I was devastated. Because I had such a strong sense about how...

Why Is This Happening To Me?

If you’re not getting what you want, look at why–not from a victim standpoint but from a place of genuine curiosity 🤔 I’ve been working toward a goal recently, and not seeing change at the pace I...

What Story Are You Telling About Your Life?

Have you ever found yourself grappling with feelings of guilt or failure, even when you knew you were making the right decision? Recently, I had a conversation with someone who was caught in this...

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